Love in Numbers and Everything

I was having a conversation today with a friend of mine regarding his irrational relationship.

I told him that he was in a √2 type of situation. How successful you are in a relationship, has a lot to do with the people who are involved in it.

Numbers have more to do with the so called “soft” sciences than you might think. I’ll get back to √2 in a moment.

How we see ourselves and how we perceive ourselves determines how we determine our own self worth. Self-worth, often referred to as self-esteem, involves all the moments we have with ourselves that influence our perception of whether or not we are good at something or not.

In other words, as an individual, do you feel like a 1? Do you feel like a 10? Do you feel like a 0?

Well, if you feel like a 1, then you’re most like going to behave like a 1. If you feel like a 0, you’re going to act like a 0.

What’s important about numbers, is to remember that they don’t mean anything, unless we are describing something with it. So, when I describe the number of leprechauns in the room, 0 is a disappointing number to hear. A different interpretation occurs when describing sleeping as a 0 type of situation. What’s important to remember though, is that numbers behave the SAME across different mediums, which is why we can use them to describe even abstract concepts.

Now, in figuring out the outcome of the relationship, we may need more information. However, usually we don’t, since our instincts are pretty damn good about these sorts of things.


Root 2 is an infinite spiral down into nothingness.

1 + 1 = 2 – Rational Argument, but only when describing the number of people in the relationship. Does very little when looking at the overall costs & benefits of the relationship. In fact- 1 +1 =2 means that both people have decide what they are, and aren’t learning from each other.

5 Trillion ^2 *2 …

When considering the value of the relationship, it’s important to realize that every successful relationship must be designed for mutual self gain in order for both parties to reap the rewards of the relationship, and sustain the motivation to continue the effort involved in maintaining the relationship.

The cells in your body are a prime example of a case where the product of their interaction and inter-connectedness, the entire community becomes more successful. A cell on its own doesn’t do much, but as part of a human being, it can change the world.

Now, because some of those cells are specialized for processing electrical signals, and because some of those cells process signals into patterns call “thoughts” and because other cells can turn those thoughts into words, phrases, and ideas, there are far more combinations than there are cells. The interactions between the nodes in the network, creates and refines the information such that the total interactions can produce outcomes on unimaginable scales.

So ask yourself. Is your relationship existentially rational (1 + 1 = 2) but irrational in attitudes and outcomes?

Do you fall victim to conversations that consume your time and energy that keep you in circles?

Do you constantly search for a situation to resolve itself, but it never does?

If so, you’re in a √2 situation.

The fact that sometimes, things just spiral endlessly into nothingness, and that not all things can be neatly resolved, is evidenced mathematically, and in our day to day lives.

There are worse places to be than √2. At least you’re not in an abusive relationship. Hopefully, your partner is not stealing from you, neglecting you, mouching off you, consuming you, delaying you, distracting you or physically harming you. But you are in a spiral of nothingness, so get out! Now!

Find a partner who can build off your ideas. Find someone who’s close- not necessarily geographically- but in mindset, attitude, objectives – but not too close that you are the same. People who are too similar often end up in √2 situations, because they can’t build of each others ideas with new inputs, become complacent with the same old ideas, and even encourage each others’ weaknesses.












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